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Ed Limoge
Senior Advisor

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Ed Limoge, Senior Advisor is an Aerospace/Mechanical engineer with over 32 years’ experience in design, analysis and testing of a wide range of products. He has demonstrated expertise in stress analysis, vibration and shock analysis, failure analysis and optimization.
Ed’s experience includes leading a staff of stress and substantiation engineers reviewing designs for compliance to FARs and writing reports for FAA submittal. Ed has consulted as a subject matter expert for commercial/military patent review for an aerospace customer and remote sensing applicability for infrastructure use for a manufacturing customer. He has consulted for Goodrich Aerospace for mechanical packaging, and finite element analysis. He has contracted with Aerojet Rocketdyne performing analysis on nonlinear materials and structures for various rockets. Ed began his career as an aerospace engineer for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Among his accomplishments while with NASA are:
- Manned Flight Awareness Award
- Group Achievement Award for Shuttle-C avionics study
- Technical lead for the Advanced Composite Inter-tank
- Technical lead for the Advanced fly-back booster
- Marshall Space Flight Center Point of Contact for the National Aerospace Plane
Ed has been an adjunct instructor of dynamics and statics at the University of Alabama, Huntsville, instructor of mathematics at the Community College of Vermont, adjunct instructor of mechanical engineering at the University of Vermont and adjunct instructor of aeronautics and astronautics for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University where he taught the first graduate level class in aerospace sciences in Vermont. Ed holds a Master’s of Science in mechanical engineering from the University of Alabama, Huntsville and a Bachelor’s in aerospace engineering from Auburn University. In addition, Ed has completed 30 plus graduate hours in mechanical engineering at the University of Vermont.