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Intellectual Property: Management & IP Consulting
Intelligence Services
Conduct the necessary research and analysis to inform your actions. Align your business issues with the content and direction of the competitive landscape, and the IP strategy will support your business objectives.
ipBusiness IssuesSM
ipDimensional Scoring®
ipDue DiligenceSM
Innovation & Invention Programs
Build a strategic IP portfolio using best-in-class invention creation processes. Harvest, strengthen, invent, and document business-critical IP.
Innovation requires both strong process and quality data inputs to produce an actionable result. ipCG provides both of these necessary components.
- Our groundbreaking innovation processes deliver market-relevant, forward innovation concepts in a far shorter time frame compared to traditional R&D and product development cycles.
- ipCG®’s Patent Factory services rapidly convert ideas from virtualized innovation, or any other source, to a documented, enabled invention concept to file for IP protection.
- Innovation support is available for varied company functions and sizes of entities, including tech transfer services, and independent inventors via “Napkin to Market.”
- Other innovation services include the powerful advantages of crowd searching and patent searching via ipCG Innovation Integrator.
Systematic Innovation Service
Master ipDisclosure®
Invention on Demand®
Monetization Strategy & Execution
Assess your company vision, mission and goals against the intelligence gathered, and a suite of IP tactics, to develop a data-driven IP strategy. Following the IP strategy process you come away with an implementation plan of portfolio projects, which may include a balance of process and capability development, IP creation, IP monetization, and intelligence investments.
Use your IP to create revenue for you. Unlock the value in both strategic IP and non-core IP. ipCG”s IP Monetization Strategy & Execution services plan and execute across a spectrum of monetization paths using all of our tools, methodologies, market experience, and partners, including legal and capital providers.
- Architect your IP for licensing, Sale, JV, M&A, spin off, or another monetization path. Plan the attack for monetization and execute to realize the value.
- Effectively find, negotiate and close deals. Triage the portfolio and analyze the IP, generate packages for each technology group, and execute transactions.
- Effectively quadruple value of your IP. Find the leverage areas for new invention, then rapidly generate and document new IP using ipCapital Patent Factory.
- Determine what your IP is worth in a license, merger, acquisition, capital raise, or strategic plan.
- Effectively communicate this value in a compelling story to internal and external stakeholders.
ipLicensingSM Strategy
ipValue Modelling
Management Services
Develop processes and capabilities inside your organization to align your IP strategy and your business strategy, working closely with clients to develop and embed IP processes and management practices. These processes center around training within your organization, tactics for creating new IP and methods for IP monetization.