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Jan Jaferian
Senior Advisor

Practice Areas
Jan Jaferian, Senior Advisor at ipCapital Group, has over thirty years of experience in multiple industries, including computers, petrochemicals, office and consumer electronics, digital communications and commercial foodservice equipment. Her multifaceted roles include managing:
- innovation and technology, R&D, and product development in such diversity fields as image processing, robotics, ergonomics, personal computing, education/learning systems and high- performance transaction processing
- global intellectual property through all phases from ideas and invention disclosures through issued patents for competitive and cost-effective portfolio creation, monitoring, culling and value-generating utilization through licensing, enforcement, and litigation settlements
- global strategic planning, operations and product development incorporating multi-cultural, multi-skilled teams
- new business launches from concept through commercial success, including spin-outs, spin-ins, mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures
- process engineering and organization design to enhance productivity, creativity, accountability, transparency, personal development and commercial performance
- business turnarounds, revitalizing faltering businesses into commercial successes
Jan has managed and monetized the global intellectual property portfolios of Fortune 500 companies (e.g., President, Intellectual Property Business Unit at Lucent Technologies; and Vice President, Xerox Intellectual Property Operations) as well as the portfolios of mid-size and start-up entities. She has successfully represented companies in opposition, revocation, nullity and infringement proceedings in the European, German and UK patent courts as well as infringement proceedings in US courts and inter partes reviews the USPTO/PTAB. Jan has successfully conducted a wide range of negotiations in Europe (e.g., Germany, France, UK, The Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, and Finland); North and South America (e.g., Canada, USA, Brazil, and Mexico); and Far East (e.g., Japan, China, South Korea, Taiwan, and Australia). She has managed diverse, multiple-cultural teams throughout the world, realizing billions of dollars of value from licensing and litigation fees, valuable patent access, and revenue stream preservation.
Dr. Jaferian earned her doctorate from Harvard Business School with a focus on decision analytics. She also holds BA and MBA degrees from the University of New Hampshire. She is a Certified Licensing Professional (CLP) and member of the Licensing Executives Society since 1993.