Revolutionizing Patent Applications: ChatGPT’s Impact on Innovation Across Technology Fields


Artificial intelligence (AI) language models such as ChatGPT have opened up new opportunities for information sharing, advice, and ideas across various technology fields, all of which can be patentable. ChatGPT (and all Large Language Models like it) have the potential to be a valuable tool in the invention and subsequent patent application process. However, it’s essential to assess its performance compared to those standards in the patent office in areas such as “sound theory of operation” and “ordinary skill in the art.”

This article will take a closer look at ChatGPT’s capabilities, advantages, and disadvantages in considering both “sound theory of operation” and “ordinary skill in the art” and whether there are variations across various technological fields since ChatGPT has been “generically trained. Additionally, we’ll examine the challenges it presents for patent experts. By doing so, we hope to provide a clear understanding of how ChatGPT can support and augment work in the patent application process.


Keeping up with the most recent tools and technology that might facilitate the patent application process is essential for patent attorneys and inventors. There are now more chances than ever for expediting and improving many inventing elements and preparing patent applications thanks to the rapid development of AI language models like ChatGPT. Understanding their capabilities, constraints, and difficulties is crucial for fully realizing the potential of these AI tools and doing so while coordinating with the systems used by the patent office. We will cover only two issues here, sound theory of operation” and “ordinary skill in the art,” which are vital for patent prosecution. Moreover, ChatGPT-like tools raise questions about how much the tool can contribute to the invention and drafting of patents before we are back to the issues of whether the computer can be an inventor.

The Role of “Sound Theory of Operation” and “Ordinary Skill in the Art”

Understanding the “sound theory of operation” and “ordinary skill in the art” is crucial for comprehending ChatGPT’s role in patent applications.

Sound Theory of Operation

From the inventors’ perspective, having a “sound theory of operation” for their invention is crucial for obtaining a patent. They need to ensure that their invention is feasible, supported by scientific principles, and understandable to those with average proficiency in the art. This is because patent examiners evaluate the novelty and non-obviousness of an invention based on the soundness of its theory of operation. Therefore, inventors must explain how their invention works in detail and provide evidence to support their claims.

Patent attorneys play a critical role in ensuring that an inventor’s patent application includes a sound theory of operation. They must review the inventor’s explanations, thoroughly analyze the relevant scientific principles, and draft patent claims that accurately describe the invention’s theory of operation. Patent attorneys must also anticipate potential challenges to the patent’s validity and include arguments to address those challenges.

Patent examiners evaluate the soundness of an invention’s theory of operation during the patent examination process. They review the patent application and assess whether the invention is novel and non-obvious. If the patent examiner determines that the theory of operation is unsound or lacks sufficient evidence to support it, the patent may be rejected. Therefore, examiners must deeply understand the relevant scientific principles and industry standards to make informed decisions.

Ordinary Skill in the art

The term “ordinary skill in the art” refers to a typical practitioner’s expertise and knowledge in the relevant subject and is used in patent law. To be eligible for a patent, an invention must be novel and sufficiently explained to someone with ordinary expertise.

From the perspective of inventors, it’s crucial to understand the concept of “ordinary skill in the art” to ensure that their invention meets the legal requirements for patent protection. They must explain their invention in a way that someone with ordinary expertise in the relevant field can understand. It’s also essential to demonstrate how their invention is novel and non-obvious in light of existing technologies and practices. Doing so increases the chances of obtaining a valid patent that provides legal protection for their invention.

For patent attorneys, “ordinary skill in the art” is a critical concept they must use when drafting patent claims. They must ensure that the claims accurately describe the invention and are written in a way that someone with ordinary Skill in the art can understand. Attorneys must also analyze the prior art to ensure the invention is novel and non-obvious. They may use the concept of ordinary Skill in the art to determine the level of detail and specificity required to explain the invention and its novelty.

Patent examiners also use the concept of “ordinary skill in the art” to evaluate the patentability of an invention. They must determine whether the invention is novel and non-obvious to someone with ordinary Skills in the relevant field. Examiners use their expertise and knowledge of the field to assess the claims and evaluate the novelty and non-obviousness of the invention. They may also use prior art references to determine the level of ordinary Skill in the art.

Strengths of ChatGPT in Invention and in preparing Patent Applications

ChatGPT can be especially helpful when it comes to supporting invention and preparing patent applications in fields of technology that are well-represented in its training data and based on well-known principles. These fields include robotics and automation, renewable energy, material science, biotechnology, computer science, electronics and telecommunications, software engineering, web development, and internet technologies.

Regarding the “Sound Theory of Operation” and “Ordinary Skill in the Art,” ChatGPT can significantly assist by identifying underlying principles and relevant scientific theories by;

• Outlining intricate ideas, their uses, and their relation to the “sound theory of operation.”

• Making recommendations for creating a “sound theory of operation” and ensuring the innovation description adheres to accepted scientific norms.

• Determining whether an invention satisfies the “ordinary skill in the art” requirements by contrasting it with the shared knowledge and proficiency in the pertinent subject.

• Improving claim language, descriptions, and the relationship between “sound theory of operation” and “common proficiency in the art.”

Limitations of ChatGPT in Invention and in preparing Patent Applications

Despite its potential, ChatGPT has several drawbacks that may prevent it from offering reliable advice or recommendations in some technological fields. These restrictions include some that are inconsistent with a sound “Sound Theory of Operation” and reasonable “Ordinary Proficiency in the Art,” such as:

  • A lack of context and real-world experience.
  • The inability to conduct tests or create prototypes.
  • Weak critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • Having trouble understanding information that is ambiguous or complicated.
  • Reliance on high-quality input to produce reliable results.

Technology areas where ChatGPT may struggle to provide accurate information or suggestions include cutting-edge or emerging technologies, highly specialized or niche technologies, complex interdisciplinary fields, technologies with ambiguous or debated theories, and highly regulated and evolving fields.

Challenges and Considerations

Inventors and patent professionals should take into consideration the following challenges to align with expectations on “Sound Theory of Operation” and “Ordinary Skill in the Art,” for example, to make the most of AI language models like ChatGPT while mitigating potential risks and drawbacks;

  • Determining whether ChatGPT is a good fit for a specific invention area of a patent application while considering the relevant technology and the availability of human knowledge.
  • Finding a balance between the usage of AI tools and the demand for human review and input to guarantee the validity of the functional theory and the overall caliber of the patent application.
  • Being current on the most recent developments in AI language models and how they might affect the procedure for filing patents.

Patent Office

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), a federal agency in charge of awarding patents, would probably be interested in investigating the potential advantages and disadvantages of AI language models like ChatGPT in the patent application process while also taking into account the necessity of meeting the “Sound Theory of Operation” and “Ordinary Skill in the Art” requirements. The USPTO is dedicated to utilizing cutting-edge technologies to enhance the effectiveness and quality of its services, and AI language models may be one such technology that can assist in achieving these objectives.

The USPTO would be worried about ensuring that patent applications adhere to the legal and technical standards of “Sound Theory of Operation” and “Ordinary Skill in the Art,” too. To verify that AI-generated recommendations adhere to the “sound theory of operation” and “ordinary skill in the art” standards necessary for patent applications, the agency would need to assess the accuracy and objectivity of the recommendations carefully.   

Additionally, the USPTO would likely be interested in exploring the ethical implications of relying too heavily on AI language models in the patent application process. The agency needs to ensure that these models are transparent and free from bias and do not replace human expertise in critical areas of patent examination and evaluation.

Checklist for using ChatGPT for patents

Here are ten guidelines for inventors or patent attorneys to follow when aiming for best practices in “sound theory of operation” and “ordinary skill in the art” in patent applications.

  1. Understand the concepts of “sound theory of operation” and “ordinary skill in the art” and their significance in patent law and how it applies to ChatGPT (this article).
  2. Use ChatGPT to conduct thorough research and then use that result to ensure the invention is grounded in established scientific principles consistent with current knowledge and expertise in the relevant field.
  3. When using AI language models like ChatGPT, carefully evaluate the appropriateness of their use for a particular patent application, considering the technology area and the availability of human expertise.
  4. Be mindful of the limitations of AI language models like ChatGPT, especially in emerging or highly specialized technology areas, and balance their use with human review and input.
  5. Use ChatGPT prompts to create clear and concise language to describe the invention’s “sound theory of operation,” avoiding overly technical jargon or ambiguous language.
  6. Ask ChatGPT to describe the invention’s practical application, highlighting its unique features and advantages over existing technologies.
  7. Using ChatGPTs prompts (ask it to criticize), ensure that the invention’s claims are non-obvious and adequately described to someone with ordinary Skill in the art.
  8. When refining descriptions, claim language, and bridging the gap between “sound theory of operation” and “ordinary skill in the art,” seek input from experts in the relevant field. ChatGPT may not be suitable in all cases, so always have an expert to review.
  9. Regularly stay informed about the latest advancements in AI language models and their potential impact on the patent application process.
  10. Continually review and refine the patent application to ensure that it meets the highest standards of “sound theory of operation” and “ordinary skill in the art” and maximizes the likelihood of success. Use Prompts in ChatGPT to ask about the “sound theory of operation” and “ordinary skill in the art.”


Understanding the capabilities of AI language models like ChatGPT in the context of patent applications can help inventors and patent professionals leverage their strengths while being mindful of their limitations. By identifying the technology areas where ChatGPT can provide valuable insights and recognizing the areas where it may struggle, informed decisions can be made on when to utilize AI tools and rely on them.

Ultimately, using AI language models like ChatGPT should be seen as an enhancement rather than a replacement for human intelligence. Patent experts and inventors can exploit the potential advantages of AI tools while assuring the validity and caliber of their patent applications by striking a balance between the two.

The USPTO would probably be interested in investigating the possible advantages and restrictions of ChatGPT and other AI language models in the context of patent applications. The government would need to carefully assess these models’ accuracy, objectivity, and ethical implications to ensure they satisfy the necessary legal and technical requirements for granting patents, even though they have a lot of potential benefits.